Saturday, November 21, 2015

Iz a Good Citizen

Today Iz got in the car and mom and Iz went to a park to meet a really nice lady.

Going to show off my skillz
We had to do some walking around and Iz had to sitz and be good for a bit and go down and be good for a bit. Mom had to leave me and I had to behavez and the lady brushed me and looked in my ears and touched my feetz. I had to be cool around other dogz and not be silly and want to play and run and I hadz to come to Mom when she called me. Basically I had to be a good boy, which of course I am when I haz to be.

Look how good I iz
When we were all done mom and the nice lady filled out some paperz and then I got to explore the park. I decided the bench was a good place to keep an eye outz for bearz.

Mom sayz I am now a Canine Good Citizen and she iz very proud of me.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fireworks and Pets (the aliens have arrived)

My big guy was never afraid of anything and little man has proven to not be afraid of storms or the occasional loud boom or pop. That being said the fourth of July was a bit of an eye opener. We happened to be sitting out back on the 3rd of July when someone in the neighborhood to the right set off a round of fireworks. Isaac sprang into action and charged at the fence line barking to tell them to get away he was on duty. All of a sudden someone to the left set off a round and he came flying across the yard to tell them off. Within minutes both sides were shooting off loud, whizzing and popping fireworks. Isaac stopped in the middle of the yard and looked around frantically and then back at me. I tried to tell him it was okay but he took off past me and into the house. I do believe he thought aliens had arrived and were invading. When I finally got up the stairs after him I found him in what I will assume was in his mind his fortified defensive position. When he realized he was surrounded, he like any good warfare strategist performed a tactical fallback.

It took a bit of coaxing to leave his position but he finally came around to the idea that curling up in bed with mom was a safe place to be.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Anger to Sadness and Back Again

I am at a loss - I received a message from a neighbor that they had put their dog to sleep today. I have known this dog since he was a pup and he has been my buddy at the fence ever since they got him. I could pick him up and he would give me kisses. He would stretch up to me at the fence and I would lean over and scratch his back from his tail to his neck and back again. He was a friend to my big guy and all the dog walkers and their dogs knew his name and would stop and talk to him. I knew he had some jealousy issues with the husband and the wife but those are things that a behaviorist could have worked with.
I really do not understand people and this disposable society we live in. I should be used to it by now as some of the stories that people tell at rescue are just so out there. I would have called rescues till I found him a safe place if they had just asked. 
Tonka you look out for him now OK