Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Howling Good Time

Took the little man back to the beach today. Unlike last time he was not interested in digging big holes and running in circles around me. This day was all about checking everything out.

He found a nice size shell.

Smellz like a good shell

He found a new little friend who we named "Pinchy"

Pinchy the crab
Dude youz are little

He stopped to smell the roses... Wait!.. What? Yes roses... there were roses all over the place for some reason.

Youz should always stop and smellz the roses

It was very windy so he spent a good deal of time sniffing the breezes and watching the waves.


When he was satisfied that he had explored and smelled enough we headed into town. It was there that little man turned in a performance worthy of those people on the Voice TV show. Just listen to the perfect pitch and match to the sound of the siren.

On the way back to the car he met a Bear, checked out some Alligator teeth at the SeaShell shop and got a little upset at the false advertising in a pet store.

Iz like Thiz Bear

Pretty Teethz

Mom they liez! There are no catz in the box!

All in all a good day for my little monkey man!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Therapy In a Four Legged Package

One of my biggest regrets is not having enough time with the Tonka man. He was such a confident and loving soul and would have made a perfect therapy dog. Isaac displays some of those same characteristics that the big boy had. He is loving and in tune with peoples emotions, leaning in and providing contact when someone is having a bad day or sitting quietly if that is what is needed. He absolutely adores children and is fine with multiple kids swarming him at the bus stops. He is a real sweetheart. The only bad marks for Isaac are his HATRED of cats, his desire to chase the school buses and all motorcycles and sometimes he will shy away from a stranger.

This week I finished up a course with the non-profit Pet Partners to register us as a therapy team. I passed my part of the test and now just need the little man to pass his. He has had experience with some of the evaluation requirements as they are the same as the CGC test that he passed in November of 2015. This test adds on with other items such as loud people, visual and auditory distractions from the front and behind, awkward petting and other things you might experience in an institutional\hospital or education setting.

Wish us luck!