Monday, March 30, 2015

Anger to Sadness and Back Again

I am at a loss - I received a message from a neighbor that they had put their dog to sleep today. I have known this dog since he was a pup and he has been my buddy at the fence ever since they got him. I could pick him up and he would give me kisses. He would stretch up to me at the fence and I would lean over and scratch his back from his tail to his neck and back again. He was a friend to my big guy and all the dog walkers and their dogs knew his name and would stop and talk to him. I knew he had some jealousy issues with the husband and the wife but those are things that a behaviorist could have worked with.
I really do not understand people and this disposable society we live in. I should be used to it by now as some of the stories that people tell at rescue are just so out there. I would have called rescues till I found him a safe place if they had just asked. 
Tonka you look out for him now OK