Today Iz got in the car and mom and Iz went to a park to meet a really nice lady.
Going to show off my skillz
We had to do some walking around and Iz had to sitz and be good for a bit and go down and be good for a bit. Mom had to leave me and I had to behavez and the lady brushed me and looked in my ears and touched my feetz. I had to be cool around other dogz and not be silly and want to play and run and I hadz to come to Mom when she called me. Basically I had to be a good boy, which of course I am when I haz to be.
Look how good I iz |
When we were all done mom and the nice lady filled out some paperz and then I got to explore the park. I decided the bench was a good place to keep an eye outz for bearz.
Mom sayz I am now a Canine Good Citizen and she iz very proud of me.